We work in partnership with our clients to understand their needs and objectives, helping them make more efficient marketing decisions.

We offer a comprehensive market research service, from data collection to the delivery of reports focused on providing insights and addressing the client’s issues.

We consider each project unique and therefore build equally unique solutions to address each client’s challenges. Throughout the entire research project process, it is designed, constructed, and analyzed from a marketing perspective.

We have an experienced team entirely focused on the client and the excellence of our services. We guide clients in terms of different data collection techniques (personal interviews, telephone interviews, online or email surveys) and various types of studies (quantitative and qualitative).

We conduct a wide variety of studies, such as identifying and measuring purchasing and consumption behaviors, socio-economic trends, customer satisfaction, brand awareness and image, advertising effectiveness, innovation testing, and other marketing issues.


Communication is effective not by what it says or shows, but by the feelings it evokes in individuals.

We all know that the messages conveyed are the essence of any advertising communication. It is important that the content evokes the “intended” feelings in the individuals it targets. Only in this way can we ensure that the advertising is memorable and thus capable of inducing action.

With PRE.COM® and POS.COM® by EQUAÇÃO LÓGICA, the NEW tool for assessing communication, we ensure the best answer to your needs.

  • Effective
  • Quick
  • Competitive
  • Versions FULL or FLASH

Quantitative Market Studies by Equação Lógica®

Equação Lógica® operates its own network across mainland Portugal and the islands for conducting quantitative studies. These studies aim to measure and quantify phenomena within a known or previously identified universe (from a qualitative study) through a sample or census of that same universe (e.g., opinions, attitudes, motivations, behavior patterns, etc.).

With extensive experience in coordinating international projects through partners in Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Russia, and China, Equação Lógica® excels in its field.

Frequently Conducted Types of Quantitative Research:

  • Customer Satisfaction Studies:

    NPS (Net Promoter Score): Evaluates the likelihood of customers recommending a product or service.
    NET Loyalty Index and CRI (Customer Retention Index): Measures customer loyalty and retention.
    Loyalty Segmentation: Identifies different segments of customers based on loyalty.

  • Concept, Price, and Packaging Tests (COB): Includes real or virtual shelf simulations to test new product concepts, prices, and packaging.
  • U&A Studies (Usage & Attitudes): Analyzes consumer usage and attitudes towards products and services.
  • Consumer Segmentation Studies: Identifies distinct consumer segments for targeted marketing strategies.
  • Brand Health, Image, and Positioning Studies: Evaluates brand health, image, and market positioning.
  • Mystery Shopper Studies: Assesses customer service and operational standards through undercover evaluations.
  • Pre and Post Advertising Tests, Continuous Advertising Monitoring (Tracking): Measures the effectiveness of advertising campaigns before and after launch, with ongoing monitoring.
  • Viral Potential Evaluation for Campaigns – ABCD Viral, Buzz: Assesses the potential virality and buzz of marketing campaigns.
  • Celebrity Impact and Potential Evaluation: Evaluates the impact and effectiveness of celebrity endorsements.
  • Brand Elasticity Studies (Extension to New Ranges) and Price Studies: Examines brand elasticity for potential new product lines and price sensitivity.
  • Continuous Studies: Ongoing monitoring of brands and consumer behavior over time.
  • In-Store Behavior Research – Shopper Studies: Analyzes shopper behavior and patterns within retail environments.
  • B2B Targets, Children/Junior Targets, and Senior Targets: Conducts targeted studies for business-to-business markets, children/junior demographics, and senior segments.
  • Product Tests with Sensory and Organoleptic Recruitment: Involves sensory and organoleptic testing for product development and refinement.

Qualitative Market Studies by Equação Lógica®
(Presential or Online)

The primary objective of qualitative market studies is to gain insights that enable understanding and comprehension of the underlying motivations behind consumer behaviors and attitudes.

The most frequently conducted types of qualitative research include:

  • Focus Groups: Facilitated discussions with selected groups of consumers to explore their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, or concept.
  • In-Depth Interviews: One-on-one interviews that delve deeply into individual experiences and perspectives, providing detailed and nuanced insights into consumer motivations and behaviors.
  • Ethnographic Interviews: Observational and interview techniques used to study consumers in their natural environment, capturing authentic behaviors and cultural contexts that influence their decisions and actions.

Concept and Product Test

  • Name Testing: Evaluates the effectiveness and appeal of potential brand or product names among target consumers.
  • Concept Testing: Assesses consumer reactions to new product or service ideas, determining their potential acceptance and appeal.
  • Concept Screening: Filters and prioritizes multiple concepts to identify the most promising ones for further development.
  • Product Testing (Monadic and/or Comparative, Blind or Branded):

    Monadic Testing: Consumers test a single product in isolation.
    Comparative Testing: Consumers compare multiple products.
    Blind Testing: Consumers test products without knowing the brand.
    Branded Testing: Consumers test products with full brand disclosure.

  • Product Testing with Sensory and Organoleptic Recruitment: Involves sensory evaluation and organoleptic testing to assess the taste, smell, texture, and other sensory attributes of products.
  • Price Elasticity Testing: Determines how sensitive consumer demand is to changes in price, helping to identify optimal pricing strategies.
  • Optimal Portfolio Evaluation (TURF Analysis): Uses Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency (TURF) analysis to evaluate the optimal mix of products in a portfolio, maximizing reach and minimizing overlap among consumer segments.

Behaviour, Purchase and Consumption research

  • U&A Studies (Usage & Attitudes): Analyzes consumer usage patterns and attitudes towards products and services.
  • Penetration Studies: Measures the extent to which a product or service has been adopted by the target market.
  • Segmentation Studies (Cluster Analysis): Identifies distinct consumer segments based on various criteria to better target marketing efforts.
  • Driver Identification Studies: Determines the key factors that drive consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.
  • Socio-Demographic Profiling of Buyers and/or Consumers: Analyzes the socio-demographic characteristics of buyers and consumers to inform marketing strategies.
  • Customer, Employee, and/or Supplier Satisfaction Studies: Evaluates satisfaction levels among customers, employees, and suppliers to identify areas for improvement.
  • Ethnographic Techniques: Uses observational and interview methods to study consumers in their natural environments, providing deep insights into cultural and behavioral contexts.
  • In-Store Behavior Research – Shopper Studies: Examines shopper behavior within retail environments to optimize store layouts and marketing tactics.

Packaging Test

  • Packaging Testing (COB, Eye-Tracking):
    COB (Consumer Oriented Benchmarking): Assesses consumer preferences and responses to packaging designs
    Eye-Tracking: Analyzes how consumers visually interact with packaging to determine its effectiveness in attracting attention.

  • Packaging Tests with Real or Virtual Shelf Simulation: Uses real or virtual shelf simulations to evaluate the impact of packaging in a retail context, assessing visibility, appeal, and consumer choice behavior.


  • Continuous Advertising Effectiveness Studies (Client and Competitor Campaigns): Ongoing evaluation of advertising campaigns to measure their effectiveness over time, including comparisons with competitor campaigns.
  • Pre-Test or Post-Test of Communication Pieces (Any Medium) with Eye-Tracking:

    Pre-Test: Evaluates the potential effectiveness of a communication piece before it is launched.
    Post-Test: Assesses the impact and effectiveness of a communication piece after it has been launched.
    Uses Eye-Tracking to analyze visual engagement with the communication piece.

  • Evaluation of Campaign Viral Potential: Assesses the potential for a campaign to go viral and generate widespread social media sharing and engagement.
  • Evaluation of Celebrity Potential and Impact: Analyzes the potential effectiveness and impact of using celebrities in marketing campaigns.
  • TouchPoints Study with Customers: Identifies and evaluates the key points of interaction between the brand and customers throughout the customer journey.
  • Screening of the Most Relevant Promotions: Identifies and evaluates the most effective promotional strategies and campaigns.
  • Evaluation of Sponsorship Effectiveness: Assesses the impact and effectiveness of sponsorship activities in achieving marketing objectives.
  • Media Consumption Study: Analyzes consumer media consumption habits to inform media planning and buying strategies.
  • PRE.COM and POS.COM:

    PRE.COM (Pre-Communication): Evaluates the potential impact of a communication strategy or campaign before it is launched.

    POS.COM (Post-Communication): Assesses the actual impact and effectiveness of a communication strategy or campaign after it has been implemented.


  • Brand Awareness Study: Assesses the level of recognition and awareness of a brand among the target audience.
  • Comprehensive Brand Health Study: Conducts a thorough examination of various aspects of a brand’s health, including brand perception, loyalty, trust, and relevance.
  • Image and Positioning Study: Evaluates the perception of a brand’s image and its positioning in the market relative to competitors.
  • Continuous Brand Health and/or Image Study: Conducts ongoing monitoring and evaluation of brand health and image over time to track changes and trends.
  • Brand Extension Study: Assesses the feasibility and potential success of extending a brand into new product categories or markets.


  • Socio-Economic Studies: Examines the intersection of social and economic factors to understand their impact on consumer behavior, market trends, and business strategies.
  • Identification and Measurement of New Consumer Purchase Trends Studies: Identifies and measures emerging trends in consumer behavior and purchasing patterns to anticipate market shifts and inform strategic decision-making.

Sensory Taste tracking

Sensory Tracking enables marketers to assess the performance of their products and competitors, monitoring any changes in formulation and/or shifts in consumer tastes or preferences.

KPI’s Monitor

It offers the opportunity to monitor key brand indicators essential for your business, such as brand awareness, purchase intent/acquisition, and brand image within the category—tailored to each client’s specific needs.

Sensory Taste Tracking

Equação Lógica®, a market research & insights firm, offers Sensory Taste Tracking studies.

This study allows for monitoring the organoleptic perception that consumers have of your product compared to competitors, both in monadic and comparative blind tests.

The objective of this study is to analyze which factors influence the overall evaluation in terms of taste, such as sweetness, acidity, texture, etc.

Equação Lógica provides conditions for testing not only pre-prepared products but also those that need to be prepared or even cooked.

Sensory Taste Tracking enables marketers to understand the performance of their products and competitors, discerning the results of formula changes and/or shifts in consumer tastes/preferences.


Equação Lógica®, market research & insights, emphasizes the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Monitor study.

Equação Lógica®, market research & insights, introduces the Brand KPI Monitoring study. It provides timely and relevant information about your brand and its competitors.

Its ultimate objective is to assist marketers in making strategic decisions and anticipating barriers/problems within their categories.

This study aims to monitor the key indicators of the brand for your business, gathering metrics such as brand awareness, purchase intent/acquisition, and brand image within the category.

This is a continuous study conducted with the relevant frequency for your brand: monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or even annually.

Equação Lógica® offers tailored made services adjusted to the different targets:



B2B (Business-to-Business)